Wednesday 25 July 2012

The Dark Knight Rises - review as a fan

For those of you who haven’t seen any of the previous Batman movies directed by Nolan, I would seriously say that you have missed some of the best movies in your life. The film – The Dark Knight Rises comes as a great way to end one of the bestest trilogies of our times. Nolan as usual, in his own style proves that even a movie which is based on a comic character requires a good script.
I’m truly confused from where to start…Ok! The cast and crew of the film have done a great job and half way through the movie you begin to realize the effort they’ve put up in coming up with the film. Christian Bale as Bruce/Caped Crusader, Anne as Cat woman, Tom Hardy as the Bane, Morgan Freeman as Fox and Michael Caine as Alfred and Gary as the commissioner have done what they do best – “give a brilliant performance”. And, technically the movie is brilliant with stunning visuals, action sequences and crisp editing. The movie starts with a Bang, ends with a Bang and is Bang Bang Bang throughout.  
The Plot:
The story begins 8 years post the episode of the Dark Knight. The city of Gotham is peaceful and the silent guardian has not shown up since he encountered joker. Batman plans for retirement until he comes to know about the advent of a new terrorist torturer Bane. The actual story starts from this point. Batman as usual makes an entry with his own theatrics and look out for the Bat mobile coz its hell awesome.
Batman soon encounters Bane only to realize Bane is too much for him. Imprisoned by Bane, Wayne spends some of his time in Bane’s prison witnessing the destruction of Gotham city from a television provided to him. He gets enlightened by a person and it is from this point that he actually “Rises” (you can’t afford to miss this part, the concept is too good). How he endures and encounters Bane forms the rest of the plot. There are other several subplots that revolve around the movies and characters like Bane’s flashback, the making of the legend and some unexpected twist in the end.   
Background scores by Hans Zimmer and the dialogues deserve a special mention. The music just echoes even a while after you leave the cinema hall and certain dialogues enlighten you as well as amaze you.
There are special cameos by Ras Al Ghul, the founder of the league of shadows and Dr. Crane a.k.a Scarecrow. And, there is an unexpected character inclusion which is sure to leave you amazed in the end.
As far as flaws are concerned, I didn’t find any and here I would like to mention that I’m not a critic, I’m just a fanatic who enjoyed the movie. I truly wish everyone could watch this movie because this has everything. The climax is just epic and I’m sure you’ll leave the halls with a feeling as to why the movie ended!
So, Nolan Came with Batman Begins, conquered with Dark Knight and leaves with a lasting impression with Dark Knight Rises. The movie is a must watch of the season and I’m damn sure you’ll have one of the best movie experiences ever in your life.So, clap, whistle, hoot, cheer for your favorite superhero, coz it’s now or never. 


  1. Superb review. Really a nice movie and must watch that too in a good cine hall. Rush right now or you will miss it.

  2. I haven't seen this movie yet, but the rave reviews drive me to watch the movie asap!

  3. its cool buddy!!! do write more stuffs like these :)

    1. Thanks..bro for your valuable comments:) i'm working on my next posts

    2. machi.. Super da.. Proud of u :D. U wrote really well. Never knew that such a talent was der in u.. Keep writing.. Expectin more frm u.. Congrats for the first work which u did so well. All de best for ur new rising :D
