Monday 14 January 2013


Time in a day cycle has reduced drastically and 24 hours does not seem to be enough, nowadays. Thanks to current economic scenario of the nation and the individuals, people have started working harder than ever. We have woken up to working long hours a day, in order to make both ends meet. But, have forgotten the fact that the concept of ‘Both Ends’ has another dimension as well. The dimension comprising of elements called - Professionalism and Family! Now, are we as successful at making both these ends meet, as like the economic ends? Well, it’s a big no!

The Balance:
                There is no harm in being professional or a toiler and do complete justice to our work, I mean that’s how we are brought up, but what’s harming is the negligence of our family and personal life. Legends may say ‘Time is Precious’ and we as humans may implement them in order to earn a fortune, but doesn’t that imply to family time as well? Will friends, relatives or any acquaintance wait until we retire to catch up with them for a chat? Obviously no! And, have we realized that while we are engaged in earning money, there’s a small kid in our house, who yearns for attention, to play with and to make them sleep; there are our parents waiting for us to take them to the nearest clinic for a checkup; a spouse who misses those quality time you spent with her before your marriage? Have we realized that we are missing so many invaluable things in our life, amidst our financial struggle? No, we do not! So, how do we bring about a proper balance in our lives? Well, we can try some of these:

ü  Restrict yourself to the maximum working hours allotted by the company, never work overtime. Instead, manage your time efficiently to complete the given task within the allotted time
ü  On reaching home, try eclipsing your fatigue and interact with your family. Tell them how much you missed them while at work
ü  Regularly plan and take your family out for a movie, the nearest mall or at least trade fair
ü  Plan getaways during weekends and leave off your cellphones and other gadgets at home.
ü  Have dinner together with your family and spend quality time talking and chatting with them, even if the topics are pointless
ü  And, never follow the above points in the office

Success of life does not depend up on our financial accomplishments, nor does it on achieving the highest desired designation at your job; it simply depends on number of people who attend your funeral, which is intangible. That is the eternal success!

The Bottom Line:
        Human Life and relationships may not have a boss, neither are they an assigned project, but they do have a deadline. A failure in keeping pace with relationship may cause undesirable consequences. So, let’s start taking life and people seriously, let’s give equal preferences to work and life and let’s start making people we love – Happy! And, life is life. Let’s live it, regardless of whether it is our workplace or home and let’s learn the art of prioritizing and let’s change things in our life! 

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